Join the FULL Community for $1 Today!
How to Complete Your Postbac Tax Return (and Understand It, Too!) is just one of many workshops, courses, ebooks, etc. available inside the Personal Finance for PhDs Community.

For just $1 more today, you can become a member of the full Community, which gives you access to:
  • Quarterly Estimated Tax for Fellowship Recipients [pre-recorded video workshop with live calls]
  • The Wealthy PhD [recorded workshop series, ebook]
  • Targeted Savings: The Solution for Irregular Expenses [video course with spreadsheet]
  • Investing for Early-Career PhDs [webinar series]
  • A Forum where you can ask questions, converse with like-minded peers, participate in the Book Club, and/or join a personal finance Challenge
  • One live call per month for general discussion (in addition to the tax Q&A calls)
I am more than willing to answer quick tax questions in the Forum, so you don't even have to wait for the next Q&A call to ask your question!

Dive into the Community full force for a month, and if you decide to stay in longer, the regular monthly membership fee of $29 will kick in automatically.

Click here to read about all the benefits of the Community—but don't navigate away from this page or you will lose this offer.

I hope that you will decide to join the full Community so I can help you make the most of your money—not just prepare an accurate tax return!